There are many major testing options for Grandparent to Grandchild tests

We test to 99% accuracy and therefore we can only perform certain tests, with certain relatives being present. The following chart gives an example of pricing.

Testing the grandchild's
FATHER's parents
Must have
Better with
Grandfather to Grandson
(Y chromosome test)*

Grandfather to Granddaughter
or Mother's DNA
both Grandmother
and Mother's DNA
Grandmother to Grandson
or Mother's DNA
both Grandfather
and Mother's DNA
Grandmother to Granddaughter
(X chromosome test)*
Mother's DNA

If you are in a big hurry, and can't wait for the kit to be mailed to you, you can download the paperwork. Fill in the forms and mail in samples taken by a cotton bud. 

*About Y chromosome DNA testing

For Grandfather to Grandson tests, Y-chromosome testing is your least expensive option while obtaining very high accuracy (99.9%+). Think about the father of the child (the son of the Grandfather), if this man is NOT the biological father of his son, then you need know if there is any possibility that the true biological father was not a close relative. (ie, could other possible father be a brother, cousin or other type of close relative to the alleged father?)

If the answer is no, then a Y-chromosome test is a great option. All men have one Y chromosome, it is passed down from Father to Son, woman have no Y-chromosome DNA. Therefore a Grandfather, his son and his 3 grandsons will all have the SAME Y-chromosome DNA

*About X chromosome tests

For Grandmother to Granddaughter tests, X-chromosome testing is your least expensive option while obtaining very high accuracy (99.9%+). Think about the father of the child (the son of the Grandfather), if this man is NOT the biological father of his son, then you need know if there is any possibility that the true biological father was not a close relative. (ie, could other possible father be a brother, cousin or other type of close relative to the alleged father?)

If the answer is no, then a X-chromosome test is a great option. All men have one X chromosome, it is passed down from Father to Daughter, woman have two X-chromosomes. Therefore a Grandmother, her son, and her 3 Granddaughters will all have at least one of their X-chromosomes exactly the same